A healing session with Deena costs $90, which pays for a week of daily work. The healings are performed long distance and are not on the phone. Deena is able to locate the energy field of each of her human and animal clients from the sign-up sheet. In addition to your sign up, please send an email to Deena. (Her email is deena@singingwoods.org) This is particularly important if you have a gmail address, because initial emails from her to those on gmail are often sent to spam. If you do not hear from Deena within two or three days, please email again. *Please indicate when there is an emergency. She will begin right away if possible. She cannot predict in advance who will utilize the energy and who will not. Some healings may include readings to help you understand the emotional, thought, and belief patterns that manifest as physical or emotional difficulties. Not all beliefs are conscious. Homework may be suggested in some cases as your conscious participation in understanding and changing your beliefs (and therefore your energy field) can be a key to your healing. Deena does not diagnose or give medical advice. Some healings are rapid, others are step-by-step. More than one session may be helpful depending upon the situation. Please be sure you are eating a good diet for you. If you are signing up for an animal - diet is important as well. Often animals reflect the emotional issues of their people, so it is often important to include you in the healing too. If you are interested in learning more about how Deena works, please look through the rest of this website as well as read her book "Ears of the Angels."